To continue our 2018 expansion, the Cape Cod Rivers Observatory began sampling the Pocasset River in Bourne on January 10, 2018. Like the Weweantic River, this site comes as part of our new partnership with the Buzzards Bay Coalition. The Pocasset River is a small tributary of Buzzards Bay, with its headwaters in the Four Ponds Conservation Area and the Bourne Town Forest. The river flows west through several man-made impoundments that were once used to provide water to the Pocasset Iron Foundry. Later on the river was managed by a fishing club, the remnants of the associated hatchery can still be seen upstream of Upper Pond. Today, the headwaters of the river are home to small wild brook trout and the impoundments host chain pickerel and a variety of waterfowl. Weekly sampling will occur from private property, downstream of the Mill and Shop Ponds.
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