About CCRO
Everyone knows about Cape Cod’s magnificent beaches, estuaries, and ocean. But Cape Cod also has critically important rivers that support spectacular and threatened biodiversity, and serve as sentinels of the health of their watersheds. The Cape Cod Rivers Observatory (CCRO), an initiative of the Woodwell Climate Research Center, focuses world-class river science on these hidden treasures. We currently sample five rivers each week, contributing essential water quality data that help protect and restore these marvelous and under-appreciated ecosystems and the estuaries into which they flow. Whether you are concerned about nitrogen pollution in Cape Cod estuaries or are passionate about protecting the rare sea-run brook trout that inhabit some of these streams, the Cape Cod Rivers Observatory is here to help.
Our Team

Robert Max Holmes, Ph.D.
President and CEO, Woodwell Climate Research Center
Dr. Max Holmes spent decades studying rivers and their watersheds across the globe. He led international projects investigating how climate change and other disturbances are impacting watersheds in the Russian, Canadian, and Alaskan Arctic, and in the tropics in the Amazon and the Congo. In 2016 Dr. Holmes established the Cape Cod Rivers Observatory (CCRO). As the President and CEO of the Woodwell Climate Research Center, Dr. Holmes is motivated by a vision of science that connects people with each other and the natural world, and which drives urgently needed solutions to the climate crisis.

Rob Stenson, M.S.
Research Assistant, Woodwell Climate Research Center
Rob has been an essential part of Cape Cod Rivers Observatory since its beginning in 2016. He started as a community-scientist and continues to lead the weekly sampling, and he assists with sample analyses. In 2023, Rob was hired as a Research Assistant at Woodwell Climate to continue collecting and processing samples and measuring river discharge. Through many years of observation of rivers as a team member of CCRO, Rob has become an expert in identifying patterns and changes in temperature, water level, and cyanobacteria. His knowledge is an invaluable asset to the project.

Gregory J. Fiske, M.S.
Senior Geospatial Analyst, Senior Research Associate, Woodwell Climate Research Center
Greg is a geographer and data analyst interested in the use of Cartography and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to facilitate and communicate science. He manages the many technical aspects of the Woodwell Climate Research Center’s geospatial activities. As a Senior Research Associate and a spatial data expert, he applies his skills to various research projects, both within and outside the Center. Spearheading new technical approaches to problem-solving, he participates in several collaborative and ongoing research projects as an analyst and as an advisor on geospatial activity. Prior to joining the Center, Fiske worked at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California and has over 15 years of experience working with river-related spatial data.

Anya Suslova, M.S.
Research Assistant, Woodwell Climate Research Center

Andrea Norton, M.S.
Research Assistant, Woodwell Climate Research Center